Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ladentown dismissed by the Court of Appeals

February 19, 2008

RAMAPO - Supporters of the proposed village of Ladentown say they may keep fighting for incorporation despite a knockout punch by the state's highest court.

Plans for a village adjacent to Pomona in northern Ramapo germinated nearly six years ago in response to concerns about potential development on the 200-acre Patrick Farm.

It's a concern that continues and one that could withstand the Court of Appeals' decision not to review Supervisor Christopher St. Lawrence's rejection of a petition to incorporate the area as a village.

The court denied a request last week by James Barnard and other Ladentown supporters to hear their case after losses in state Supreme Court and in its Appellate Division, the first level for appeals.

"It's disappointing," Barnard said yesterday. "We thought it was an issue with statewide ramifications, and as such, one that the Court of Appeals would hear."


Anonymous said...

They only want to make a Village to keep out the Chassidim

Anonymous said...
