Sunday, February 17, 2008

Baltimore: Yeshiva Bochrim Involved In Serious Accident

February 17, 2008

What could have ended in tragedy - ended in a miracle this afternoon. We have learned that a vehicle carrying Bochrim from Yeshiva Ner Yisroel in Baltimore was travelling to Lakewood for a Chasunah. At some point in the state of Delaware, on I95, the vehicle was involved in a major accident - totaling the vehicle. Bichasdei Hashem all the Bochrim were able to extricate themselves from the vehicle - all with no injuries.

A charter bus that was travelling from Baltimore to Lakewood for the same Chasunah, stopped off to pick up the Bochrim and took them to the Chasunah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Story stolen word for word from Yeshiva World: